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Весь контент Alejo

  1. I refer to one we agreed on a local server versus a server "any" a home server where a mess for a kick. But here we are discussing not the kick, if not the shameless use of profanity and friendly fire by the player JORDAN. Use logic.
  2. Mi reputación no se discute , se que eh tenido lios con muchos , pero lo que estamos discutiendo aqui es un problema ajeno a ello , estamos discutiendo la agresividad de JORDAN , que no deja de mentarme la madre en cada versus que tenemos y no deja de provocarme fuego amigo por un kick que se realizo en el server de Natan. El kick no lo realice yo y yo tampoco tengo pass como para decir que no fue una votación. La vez pasada que iba a kikear a Sergant fue porque cada vez que juego con el siempre esta rusheando , ademas no me comporto como si el server fuera mio , no estoy todo el tiempo hacinedo kick o fastidiando a cada jugador que ingresa , lo mejor que eh enseñado a mis compañeros (mancos) es evadir a los jugadores VIP e irnos a jugar mutaciones y tu mismo has visto eso cuando nos retirabamos. Cuando mencione a amigos me referia a Natan el parcial y Yasser. Yasser tiene un lio conmigo al igual con Messi solo porque hago uso de las explosivas , no entiendo porque tanto lio conmigo , cuando ingreso a jugar solo saludos a mis compañeros y punto.
  3. Very good at all, on the issue when the player JORDAN was kicked, was within a local server, the local server called Xtreme Infection a server alienated SyncZone a server where we had scheduled TxM vs RiP A versus that had scheduled on Facebook . We are not a group of troglodytes, we are well informed and well organized, but what JORDAN mentioned is totally out of context. The kick is a right of all players, something was created. I do not see the need to respond to verbal and friendly fire by just for a kick. You can see that everything I mentioned is real, he himself admits that not only takes nagging me, but also my colleagues. The TxM also have been kikeados ever but we have never reacted like he did.
  4. I uploaded the demo to youtube, I ask you to have a little better judgment and not judge him based on friendships. PD: Review your chat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIRk0Z_afZ4&feature=youtu.be
  5. What you say is silly, you have no proof of it, I really never crossed words with you and player other than Latin for reasons that my English is very bad. I'm not asking BAN Jordan for only 15 damage, BAN am asking for their continued aggression towards me and Frienpor a kick which I do not in a public server which is not SyncZone. I check my texts do not mention nor to greet you, however JORDAN their references and insults are for me. Please have a little more intelligence and better judgment.......
  6. It is that the evidence is very low and seem to have been only 15 damage, but they can revise their texts (chat) which continues to hurl insults not only against my (Motherfucker), but against all my colleagues TxM, type this abusing his friendship with other players. Ask you to be a little more analytical, thanks.
  7. Very good at all, in advance I apologize for my English because it is very limited. Eh lately I had the displeasure of experiencing verbal attacks and friendly fire by a player named Jordan, the player became a starting annoying voting began a fellow clan myself on a local server. Hurls insults and annoys the game to others. This already has 2 days. Thank you very much for your time. http://rghost.net/private/6VPNXB8tf/af0e07178082c1f5804b288762328865
  8. What kind of format I can climb, and I wanted to raise the demo but did not allow me.
  9. Very good at all, in advance I apologize for my English because it is very limited. Eh lately I had the displeasure of experiencing verbal attacks and friendly fire by a player named Jordan, the player became a starting annoying voting began a fellow clan myself on a local server. Hurls insults and annoys the game to others. This already has 2 days. Thank you very much for your time.
  10. Exactly you are not as friendly, looks perfectly at this evidence that you write it in Russian so that we do not read ¬¬, then come to tell us that we will have little appreciation towards you. What happened the last time that I react so was that, teams were composed entirely of both Latin and Russian, but at any moment the Russians were passed to one team, for my good, but have nesecidad kick some of our colleagues for them to enter was an abuse and more when this team was composed of three VIPS 4 ¬, where they abused! pass only to have a perfect team. http://https//fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10421297_784594361616465_7119048877032075917_n.jpg?oh=5fba7530b199886165631d8893b39190&oe=55753C4A&__gda__=1435191584_ca39ec716cc618e79633c45757d9b3e6
  11. Hello everyone here, I see that there has been a fuss without my presensia without first having my respective positions on the issue. My first annoyance towards Newbie or ฿ ІοΟɖƴ FαP∂Οŋ was that their entry to the game was not exactly friendly ¬¬, second, in the video that presents the accuser, nothing raised the issue on ...., third, when I refer to "fucking russian", I mean "the" one person, not an entire country, I love Russia and assume people but have a individio abusing her! pass and! veto is annoying and but when this NooB calls you by simply having a privilege that is worth $ 15.
  12. If you come here it is because I received friendly fire by my colleague Desert Eagle, when the campaign had started, I asked him to stop shooting me, but this followed, estubo shooting me before the game and after having started this.
  13. Angie para ti no hay Nada gracias -__________-
  14. Niceeee , happy Christmass to you Principe http://synczone.ru/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png
  15. Celos , envidia :3 , una rusa http://synczone.ru/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_ohmy.png es la primera vez que me pongo timido u.u jajaa
  16. :o , hi <3 , conquistare a una rusa :)
  17. Nada..... nada..... nada.... olis :)
  18. Nada.... nada .... nada .... olis :)
  19. JAjajaa hasta en Synczone te encuentro >.< Nada......
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